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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Joseff's LookBook: In Another Life

Firstly, just to clarify things out, I don't smoke! And I will never! :) I just used the cigarette as one of my props to give life on the photo that we're going to shoot.
Watch my intro-video!

"This shoot is unique and interesting because this is the first time I had to look like a 'bad boy' who doesn't seem to care about his life, who don't know the importance of it, and just making himself attached to smoking - and that's the theme of the shoot. That's why in his another life, he would make everything perfect."

"Why do I find this sexy, hot, cute?"... yes, you read that right! Here are some of the comments I got from the very first time I posted my 'wasted' (The One That Got Away) look but re-posted again because I was unsatisfied on the photo that I matched together. However, on the second try - it was worth the change and I gave it a title, 'In Another Life.'

So now, I will show you the complete shoot my photographer, Ms. Bebrenly M. took (if you haven't seen her, you can refer to my recent LookBook column, 'Bright Lights' and check out our picture together!) and found this as her most-favorite shoot that we have done so far! :D

From research and ideas on what poses and look to do, how would the smoke appear on the shots, and more... everything paid off because of the amazing results! :)

Getting ready for the shoot: re-touch!!! :)

And the photo shoot begun! We have decided to put it in black and white to get an emotional approach on the photos; also to get great shots when the fire is burning on the cigarette.

And... done! :D What do you guys think? I'm cool now eh? This would be one of my most memorable shoots I have had - especially lighting up a cigarette that made me not to breathe for like a minute or so, because it makes me cough *ehem :P

Anyhow, don't forget to hype this look on my LookBook! And I'll see you guys around! ;)

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